
This website is a repository of resources compiled primarily for the school psychologist practitioner and other specialists who are tasked with the complex and challenging task of conducting non-discriminatory special education assessments of English learners and culturally diverse students.

Despite the different models/approaches that exist in the United States for the identification of a Specific Learning Disability, school psychologists, and their assessment teams continue to have the obligation of preventing the under and over-representation of English learners in Special Education.

IDEA (20 U.S.C. § 1414)

Evaluations, Eligibility
Determinations, Individualized Education Programs,
and Educational Placements.

(5) Special rule for eligibility determination.
In making a determination of eligibility
under paragraph (4)(A), a child shall
not be determined to be a child with a
disability if the
factor for such determination
(C) Limited English Proficiency (LEP).


National Association of School Psychologist- Principles for Professional Ethics (2010)

They (School Psychologists) assume a proactive role in identifying social injustices and strive to reform systems level patterns of injustice… Theme IV

…School Psychologists promote changes in schools that will benefit
children, advocate for school policies and practices that are in the best
interest of children and respect and protect their legal rights. Standard IV.1.2